It’s about time we take control of our narrative and tell our own stories with our own lens.
Pakistan photo festival
Pakistan Photo Festival (PPF) is a lens-based project and festival dedicated to documentary and contemporary photographers. Conceived in 2016, PPF celebrated its first edition in 2018 in the form of Pakistan Photo-festival Fellowship Exhibition. It celebrates national and international photographic talents as well as international still-image practitioners and artists as mentors of the fellowship.
Pakistan Photo Festival (PPF) has been created as a platform to present Pakistan through the photography culture globally and to mark our presence in the arena of photo festivals around the globe. We want to support our artists critically, analytically and practically to help and connect them with their target audiences, critics and curators.
Pakistan photo festival
fellowship Program
The PPF fellowship program showcases lens-based projects by Pakistani and international photographers. Documentary photography is still an untapped visual practice in Pakistan due to a lack of institutes and practitioners. To cultivate a constructive and critical practice, PPF initiated a self-funded fellowship in 2017 that brought together nine photographers from across the country who were mentored by international and national photographers over nine months to produce critical, analytical and thought-provoking research-led practice projects.
Pakistan is located in a region, which has faced great political, economic and religious strife for the past two decades. Under every stone is a story that has the potential to inspire, move and awe. For too long, the story of Pakistan and its people has been conveyed to the world through a foreign lens that is more than often skewed. It’s about time we take control of our narrative and tell our own stories with our own lens.
Pakistan Photo festival fellowship 2nd edition 2021
There are no exceptions to the deadline. We encourage you to get your application in before the official due date to avoid any technical issues that might interfere with a timely submission.